m-Health on the cervical cancer control: prerequisites for developing a smartphone application


  • Carolina Correia Bilotti Centro Universitário Cesumar. Maringá (PR), Brasil.
  • Larissa Dalpiaz Nepomuceno Centro Universitário Cesumar. Maringá (PR), Brasil.
  • Gabriela Marengone Altizani Centro Universitário Cesumar. Maringá (PR), Brasil.
  • Regiane da Silva Macuch Centro Universitário Cesumar. Maringá (PR), Brasil.
  • Tiago Franklin Rodrigues Lucena Centro Universitário Cesumar. Maringá (PR), Brasil.
  • Flavio Bortolozzi Centro Universitário Cesumar. Maringá (PR), Brasil.
  • Marcelo Picinin Bernuci Centro Universitário Cesumar. Maringá (PR), Brasil.




health promotion, biomedical technology, public health, access to information, activities of daily life


In order to provide information about cervical cancer using the communication channels present in the smartphones, the study presented in this article characterized the pattern of use of these channels and the preference of receiving information from 395 women who take part in in the cervical cancer screening program of the city of Maringá (PR).. 89% of those women have cellular phones and 65% have access to the internet. Among those interviewed using the internet, 46% use to access social networking, 45% to research, and 33% to read news. Among those who use social networkings, 55% have access to Facebook and 56% to WhatsApp. Nevertheless, 52% prefer to receive information through pamphlets and for 48% of them doctors are the best professionals who give the information. Although there is significant use of the communication channels present in smartphones, many women still prefer to receive information about the cervical cancer through traditional methods of health education.



How to Cite

Bilotti, C. C., Nepomuceno, L. D., Altizani, G. M., Macuch, R. da S., Lucena, T. F. R., Bortolozzi, F., & Bernuci, M. P. (2017). m-Health on the cervical cancer control: prerequisites for developing a smartphone application. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.29397/reciis.v11i2.1217



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