Integration of the PTCRISync synchronization mechanism with ISCTE-IUL’s CRIS




Current research information systems, Interoperability between CRIS, Synchronization, PTCRISyn, Ciência-IUL.


The innovation and knowledge generated by scientific research will only fulfil its goal if they are largely propagated and accessible to the scientific community in particular and society in general. However, the multiplicity of existing science information systems and institutional repositories does not allow for a simple and fast propagation of the results of scientific activities. Under the dictum “Add once, reuse multiple times”, the PTCRIS initiative was started in 2014 with the goal of creating a scientific information integrated ecosystem. This ecosystem, which includes the development of the PTCRSync framework, allows for different information systems to share and synchronize information amongst them thus avoiding the duplication of efforts of the researchers by not having to deposit the same information in several different systems. This paper describes the integration of the PTCRISync synchronization mechanism with the current research information system of ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Ciência-IUL. The results and the impact of the referred implementation in terms of the benefits for researchers and institutions are also presented.



How to Cite

Lopes, A. L. (2017). Integration of the PTCRISync synchronization mechanism with ISCTE-IUL’s CRIS. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 11.


