Biographical repository: singularities of a promising model


  • Alex Medeiros Kornalewski Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
  • Leandro da Conceição Borges Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
  • Bruna Beltrão Belinato Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.



Biographical repository, Open access, Memory, Information.


The Information Society enabled the emergence of new digital tools, in which their methodologies are debated by their peers whose goal is acceptance by the scientific community. The Open Access Movement has channeled to the world two of its main pillars: digital repositories (institutional and disciplinary) and scientific journals. This communication is concerned with discussing what is meant by “biographical repository”, a concern that originated from a study group coming from the  Specialization Course in Scientifical and Technological Information in Health, from Institute of Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Health made of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro. The methodological procedure applies a reflection to the available literature on repository, in relation to the precepts established by memory. The paper aims to discuss the differences between institutional and disciplinary repositories in order to highlight the sing ularities that promote the concept of biographical repository. To this end, it relies on the areas of knowledge that approach in its context distinct aspects of document definition, but which converge on the purpose of preserving and perpetuating memory. Therefore, a biographical repository, to be known as such, applies elements of Archivology, Library Science and Museology, although their differences are evident.



How to Cite

Kornalewski, A. M., Borges, L. da C., & Belinato, B. B. (2017). Biographical repository: singularities of a promising model. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 11.



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