Appropriation of the terminology ‘conscious use of medicines’ aiming the improvement of global health




Self-care, Self-medication, Health education, Use of medicines, Terminology.


The insertion of the medicines in the practices of conscious consumption represents a potential ally of the global health improvement; thus we searched for mapping the employment of the terminology “conscious use” of medicines. An integrative and quantitative documentary analysis was carried out categorizing 124 scientific texts and 400 digital contents. The results attested that its use as a synonymy for the terminology rational use of medicines is incompatible, since the latter does not contemplate the economic, social, psychological, environmental, ethical values in the moment of decision about how to use the medicines. The implementation and consolidation of terminology may support educational and communication policies and, consequently, the instruments for achieving the self-care and the care of others and look after the environment by giving a new meaning to the health/disease mechanism and by understanding the processes involved in the researches, production, distribution and discard of medicines.

Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Turbay Palodeto, Universidade Católica do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética. Curitiba, PR, Brasil.

Mestrado em Bioética pela Universidade Católica do Paraná.

Marta Luciane Fischer, Universidade Católica do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética. Curitiba, PR, Brasil.

Doutorado em Zoologia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná.



How to Cite

Palodeto, M. F. T., & Fischer, M. L. (2019). Appropriation of the terminology ‘conscious use of medicines’ aiming the improvement of global health. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 13(1).