#outubrorosa and health promotion: analysis of Instagram posts about breast cancer





Online social networks, Health promotion, maternal and child health, Chronic non-communicable diseases, Health education.


The study presented in this article analyzed the dynamics of posts on the topic of the breast cancer prevention on Instagram. The 300 most relevant posts published between December 2019 and September 2020 were selected using the hashtag “#outubrorosa”. Most of the posts corresponded to photos (66.33%) with questions related to primary prevention (55.67%) and which were published by non-health professionals (45.33%). The posts presented an average of 196.06 likes and 14.43 comments. Posts with photo format published by non-health professionals were the ones with the highest number of likes (p <0.01), whereas those that addressed the topic of primary prevention were the ones with the least number of likes (p <0.01). It is concluded that Instagram is an important tool to be used in the awareness of the young population about self-care, however it is suggested the need to examine the quality of the posted content.

Author Biographies

Marcela Carvalho Rodrigues, Universidade Cesumar, Instituto Cesumar de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. Maringá, PR

Mestrado em Promoção da Saúde pela Universidade Cesumar.

Lucas França Garcia, Universidade Cesumar, Instituto Cesumar de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. Maringá, PR

Doutorado em Ciências Médicas e Bioética pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Marcelo Picinin Bernuci, Universidade Cesumar, Instituto Cesumar de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. Maringá, PR

Doutorado em Fisiologia pela Universidade de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Rodrigues, M. C., Garcia, L. F., & Bernuci, M. P. (2021). #outubrorosa and health promotion: analysis of Instagram posts about breast cancer. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 15(4). https://doi.org/10.29397/reciis.v15i4.2366