Cantinas Survey: proposition and evaluation of an application for the analysis of health risk and of food sold in school canteen
Mobile applications, Schools, School feeding, Health promotion, Food hygieneAbstract
This article reveals a study presenting the initial version of the technological development and the evaluation of an app for mobile devices that assists in making the data collection, analysis, evaluation and monitoring of healthy school cafeterias. The app was developed in stages, including definition of the research aims, evaluation by specialists, adaptation, practical application in 27 school cafeterias and evaluation of usability, perception and acceptance by users. The app is available for the Android operating system and it is divided into three parts: characterization of the profile of the school cafeteria; health risk consideration; and characteristics of foods offered. The evaluation revealed a satisfactory usability regarding the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Among the main benefits of using the app, are the greater agility of data collection, processing and analysis, it is easy to use, the standardization of procedures and its economic advantage concerning the environmental sustainability. Future work will involve improving its functionality and making a public version available.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mariana Balestrin, Carla Cristina Bauermann Brasil, Ericles Andrei Bellei, Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi, Vanessa Ramos Kirsten, Mario Bernardes Wagner

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