At the rhythm of the skipping rope, affections and desires: groups of people living with HIV/AIDS on WhatsApp and the production of socialities
HIV, Ethnography, Online social networking, Sociality, EmotionsAbstract
This article outlines theoretical-ethnographic reflection based on a field research about three WhatsApp groups formed by people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). It aims to understand the affective-sexual experiences of these people constructed through dialogues, interactions and socialities on these WhatsApp groups. From the description of sociality in these groups and the ways in which, through biscoitagem, people circulated affections and desires without necessarily constituting affective-sexual relationships, it is argued that, in their social interactions, the interlocutors connected people, socio-technical artefacts, places, situations, emotions, relationships, life projects etc., in a way that produced more than support, mutual help or communication about HIV, insofar as they were weaving their own social worlds. These findings gain special relevance when we consider the experience of the PLWHA who maintain some degree of secrecy about their positive HIV serology.
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