Situations of physical violence produced by unfair blockades in the work of food delivery by apps




Violence at work, Occupational safety, Occupational health, Deliverers, Digital platforms


The main objective of this article is to present and understand the risk of physical violence involving deliverers by app and customers, whose immediate factors are the so-called unfair blockades. Through digital ethnography that consisted in monitoring WhatsApp groups and videos produced by food deliverers, we found out this emerging occupational risk and raised elements that help to understand the phenomenon. The fear of being excluded from the platform due to a customer's complaint appears as a risk factor for that violence. Political and socio-economic factors can also be related to these situations of violence between deliverers and customers, such as, for example, the economic dependence of these workers on digital platforms and the environment of regulatory permissiveness.

Author Biography

Leo Vinicius Maia Liberato, Fundacentro, Centro Estadual de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, SC

Doutorado em Sociologia Política pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

Liberato, L. V. M. (2022). Situations of physical violence produced by unfair blockades in the work of food delivery by apps. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 16(4), 785–799.