Virtual Coexistence Center: potentialities and challenges for health promotion and networks of affection in times of pandemic
Public policy, Coexistence, Social isolation, Mental health, Covid-19Abstract
The research presented in this article was carried out with the aim of studying the potentialities and challenges encountered in virtual coexistence for the continuity of the work developed by the Centros de Convivência e Cultura (CECOs), which are points of the Unified Health System (SUS) psychosocial care networking. The study is characterized as an intervention-research by means of which it was examined how the ConViver Agenda through the 28 workshops produced by it could serve as a tool for health promotion and strengthening of affection networks during the studied period of the covid-19 pandemic. The method used was the online focus group with managers, users, participants in workshops and the communication team. The results showed that the virtual coexistence cannot replace the face-to-face coexistence but that when it is guided by an affective and relational ethic it is possible to reduce the damage of social isolation and promoting health through the use of information and communication technology (ICT).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ariadna Patricia Estevez Alvarez, Neli Maria de Castro Almeida, Claudia Osório da Silva, Marise de Leão Ramôa, Rita de Cassia Vieira Filippo, Isabella Cunha Alves da Silva, Cláudia da Rocha Vieira, Isabela Lopes Ferreira

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