Disinformation versus democracy: the relationships between journalism, science and health in the promotion of a democratic life
Communication, Information, Media, Social networks, Portugal.Abstract
In an interview to Reciis, João Figueira comments on his work, for more than 20 years, as a journalist in some of the main Portuguese newspapers and on his path as a researcher, considering it an extension and a passion for journalism. The researcher talks about an issue that he categorically says is not new: the misinformation. However, he specifies it on contemporaneity, considering the way misinformation circulates, given the emergence of online social networks. Contents spread in a faster and more fragmented way by an economy of emotions. Values and beliefs override evidences. João Figueira claims that journalistic practice has followed the same dynamics of online social networks, losing its importance and making him question: “Why do people want the news? How important are the news in people’s lives?”. Journalism, health and scientific research are strongly coupled up to democratic governments. The contemporary world poses us a great challenge: a democratic life. João Figueira is professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra.
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