Collaborative educational practices in health mediated by information and communication technologies: a literature review
University Network of Telemedicine in Brazil, Collaborative learning, Interdisciplinary practice, Information and communication technology, TelemedicineAbstract
The aim of the present study was to identify structural elements of the work process of collaborative educational networks in health, mediated by information and communication technologies, by pointing out its key characteristics and its operating dynamics. This is a scope review, accomplished in the following databases Medline and Lilacs and in the Oasisbr portal. A total of 1.499 studies were found, and eight of them met the inclusion criteria. The search results indicate the collaborative educational practices in health mediated by these technologies as broad and complex processes, involving the association of several factors. The technical-pedagogical dimension, the strategic management, the management of the information flow, the relational aspects, the competencies of each member, and the mediation of the collaborative process are highlighted. The integration of the different aspects of the network translates a set of challenges for the structuring of collaborative processes, which is not limited to pure cognitive accumulation, but is bound to learning processes and to the subjects’ development.
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