mHealth and public health: the digital presence of the Brazilian Unified Health System through mobile device applications
Unified Health System, Digital presence, Mobile applications, Health communication, eHealth strategiesAbstract
The evolution of Information and Communication Technologies has allowed, throughout history, the fields of communication, technology, and health to create different intersections. Among them are applications for mobile devices which are mobile digital health (mHealth) strategies. There is, however, little evidence of the use of these advances in public health. Based on the identification of 43 applications linked to Municipal Health Secretariats, State Health Secretariats and the Ministry of Health, this article aims to map and analyze these digital presence initiatives of the Unified Health System. The results show that cities stand out, leading the use of apps, especially in the southern region of the country. The apps had over 28 million downloads, received an average rating of 3.7, and most (53%) had been updated recently. These technologies can help the Unified Health System in communication and digital health policies.
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