Construction of a reference ontology for the domain of HIV/Aids
Biomedical Ontology, HIV, Unified Public Health System, Knowledge Management, SemanticsAbstract
The use of Information Technology is present in the most diverse domains, including health care, using various methodologies and computational tools. The goal of this work is to present an ontology-driven conceptual model on the HIV/AIDS domain called OntoHI. In the process of developing OntoHI, the SABiO methodology and the UFO foundational ontology are adopted, in addition to the specialist’s knowledge in the field of health care, which guarantees a consistent representation of reality. Ontology artifacts that are presented here: graphical representation, glossary of terms, validation of competence questions. Quality control happens in the process of validation and verification of competency questions. OntoHI enables integration with representations from other domains. It can be used as an artifact for building computational tools, mainly information systems and mobile applications to monitor patient treatment, in addition to being able to be expanded to adapt to new situations.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Danielli dos Reis Costa, Thayza Sacconi Guarnier, Andréia Soprani dos Santos, Susana Bubach, Silvia das Dores Rissino, Maria das Graças da Silva Teixeira
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