Knowledge Management: is it still an obscure object of desire?


  • Paula Xavier Santos Casa de Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro
  • Maria Elisa Andries dos Reis Escola Nacional de Saúde Sergio Arouca-Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil



knowledge management, information management, public administration


The lack of a central theoretical and methodological riterion that defines a referential to the Knowledge anagement could be the cause of informational chaos that is observed in this field. In this article, we argue the importance of using the term Knowledge Management as a way to distinguish it from the approach of Information Management. Knowledge sharing is one of its basics assumptions, but to understand the Knowledge Management as a process to support decision making can not be gnored. Knowledge Management has never been an exclusive practice of private organizations. In Brazil, the Federal Government initiatives show that this subject is part of his agenda and, notwithstanding the different stages of implementation that it appears to be in the institutions, there is a concern about building a policy with guidelines and strategies clearly defined. This view makes clear that what is important for the development of societies, organizations and individuals today is the knowledge and its application. In the case of public institutions, applied knowledge is propelling productivity process and innovation.

How to Cite

Santos, P. X., & Reis, M. E. A. dos. (2010). Knowledge Management: is it still an obscure object of desire?. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 4(5).



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