Uses of ethnography in image-based virtual worlds


  • Marcelo Simão de Vasconcellos Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Inesita Soares de Araújo Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil



ethnography, virtual worlds, online games, image, mmorpgs


Ethnography is a well-established technique in social sciences research, especially in Anthropology. However, the new communication spaces mediated by technology have presented challenges to its application, in the face of deterritorialization, anonymity and registers limited mostly to the written text, allowing for the appearance of various adaptations of ethnography for the online environment, broaching characteristics typical of websites, discussion fora, social networks, chats, and MUDs . However, the online massive games, denominated MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing), incorporate image strongly in its interactive experience, presenting graphic avatars , gestual interactions between characters and the possibility of an experience of the virtual world simulated in three dimensions. Moreover, one can see the formation of identities that expand themselves beyond the game by using other online channels and reaching the offline one. The innovations open new dimensions for the use of ethnography (including visual anthropology) in online virtual worlds requiring adaptations of the existing techniques. A review is made of the main ethnographic techniques applied to the online environment and one discusses modifications that the specific characteristics of the MMORPGs would make in such techniques. It is concluded that the imagetic aspect and the ambiance based on a tri-dimensional environment of such games in a certain way enable the application of the most classical techniques of ethnography.

Author Biographies

Marcelo Simão de Vasconcellos, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Doctorate Student in the Postgraduate Program in Information and Communication on Health at the Institute for Scientific and Technological Communication on Health of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – PPGICS / Icict / Fiocruz. Technologist in Public Health from Icict / Fiocruz

Inesita Soares de Araújo, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Doctor in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Researcher at the Communication and Health Research Laboratory at the Icict

How to Cite

Vasconcellos, M. S. de, & Araújo, I. S. de. (2011). Uses of ethnography in image-based virtual worlds. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 5(2).



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