Cinematographic communication as a tool for everyday health promotion


  • Rafael Cavadas Associação Brasileira da Rede Unida, Brasil



Cinematographic communication, Health promotion, Trials


In the last decade, the box office success of “City of God” (2002), followed by “Elite Squad” (2007) and its 2010 sequel (“Elite Squad: The Enemy Within”), has led Brazilian cinema to approach the subject of drug use as a social, economic, political, and cultural problem. A few weeks ago, two new movies portraying thematic alcohol and drug use opened in theaters across the country. The drama “Artificial Paradises”, by director Marcos Prado, and the comedy “So, Have You Eaten?” (2011), by Felipe Joffily, exemplify Brazilian cinema’s role as a medium for debating drug use—a medium that nevertheless avoids discussing drug use’s concomitant health concerns.

Author Biography

Rafael Cavadas, Associação Brasileira da Rede Unida, Brasil

Jornalista. Assessor de comunicação da Associação Brasileira da Rede Unida.

How to Cite

Cavadas, R. (2012). Cinematographic communication as a tool for everyday health promotion. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 6(2).



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