Non-compulsory stages in Nutrition courses: the search for teaching quality that attends to the actual legal demanding – A case report


  • Daniela Maria Alves Chaud Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Edeli Simioni de Abreu Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Stage, Supervised stage, Education quality, Legislation


This article discusses the experience of non-compulsory stages in the Nutrition course of the Mackenzie Presbiterian University. The objective is to subside the reflection about the  law of stage considering one proposal for the monitoring of these stages. We consider that the period of stages is one of the most crucial steps in the formation of the nutritionist and in virtue of the new paradigms that are presented for the stages, the recent approach adopted to develop the non compulsory stages in the Nutrition courses. We concluded that this experience is well done, because further than the attendance to the legislation, it has been demonstrated that the monitoring of the student downsizes the learning troubles, improves the relationship between the Education Institution and the company, and the prepares the future professional.


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How to Cite

Chaud, D. M. A., & Abreu, E. S. de. (2011). Non-compulsory stages in Nutrition courses: the search for teaching quality that attends to the actual legal demanding – A case report. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 5(3).



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