The librarian as knowledge manager: the case of repositories


  • Maria João Amante Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (IUL), Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Serviços de Informação e Documentação, Lisboa, Portugal.



Access to information, Open Access, Institutional repositories, Organizational innovation, Information professionals, Librarians, Professional positioning, Information systems, Capacity building, Knowledge management.


Teaching, research and knowledge transfer are core functions of all research higher education institutions in which information is used to perform those tasks but also on strategical planning and management. The main goals of knowledge management at higher education institutions are: to improve knowledge creation processes performed by researchers, to improve knowledge transmission by professors, to improve learning processes performed by students and to improve knowledge use on management activities that support all the processes above mentioned. University libraries have to face three important changes in the world of academic communication: first, the rise of full text periodicals available on Internet that has multiplied the opportunities of free information access? the second is a consequence of internet development which allows and promotes knowledge democratization? the third is the Open Access Movement to knowledge. In this paper we present the development of repositories as an opportunity for librarians in order to change their professional positioning in higher education institutions and assuming a strategic professional positioning.



How to Cite

Amante, M. J. (2014). The librarian as knowledge manager: the case of repositories. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 8(2).