A mixed methods study of lung cancer diagnosis affecting quality of life


  • Carina Berterö Universidade de Linköping, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Linköping, Suécia




Lung cancer, quality of life, life-situation, EORTC QLQ C30- LC13, mixed methods


The aims of this study were to assess Quality of Life (QOL) within patients with a newly diagnosed inoperable lung cancer and then comparing the QOL scores with the findings from a qualitative interview study. A mixed method descriptive concurrent triangulation design was used to achieve the specific aims. Twenty-three patients participated. Quality of life was assessed with two questionnaires; the European Organization Research and Treatment of Cancer, EORTC-C30 and supplement lung cancer-specific module, the QOL-LC-13. Data were analysed in accordance with procedures recommended by the EORTC. These results were then compared with findings from a qualitative interview study.
EORTC-QLQ-C30 + LC-13 all questionnaires were completed, since there were just 23 respondents, mean values at an individual level were calculated. Quality of Life was scored by the patient to a mean score of 4.5. In the interviews QOL was expressed as living as usual. It seems as regarding measurement of functional scales and global QOL there are similar findings using a questionnaire or a qualitative interview. Hence, the qualitative interview gave more multiplicity and deeper understanding about the different domains. The findings of this comparison, point out the importance of identifying the different domains of QOL from these patients’ perspectives.



How to Cite

Berterö, C. (2008). A mixed methods study of lung cancer diagnosis affecting quality of life. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.3395/reciis.v2i1.828



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