Culture in Hospital Organizations and Cultural Policies for Coordinating Communication and Learning


  • Elói Martins Senhoras Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências, Campinas,SP, Brasil



Hospital management, culture, hospital


This article deals with the importance of culture due to its dual strategic characteristics as both a process and a product of interaction, from the perspective of the management and planning of hospital organizations. The cultural changes within a hospital are analyzed through a review of theoretical and practical studies of health organizations, which are understood as relationships brokered by actors in a cultural system, who react to the introduction of mechanisms for participation and communication through mechanisms for learning. Through this discussion, arguments are provided to diversify and deepen the debate about administrative paths associated with communication which can lead to institutional efficiency, by suggesting the creation of communication mechanisms for building incentives in organizational learning and the operationalization of simple criteria for analyzing and revealing the cultures of a hospital organization.



How to Cite

Senhoras, E. M. (2007). Culture in Hospital Organizations and Cultural Policies for Coordinating Communication and Learning. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 1(1).



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