Eight Years of Reciis


  • Nísia Trindade Lima Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Vice Presidência de Ensino, Informação e Comunicação, Vice Presidente de Ensino, Informação e Comunicação da Fiocruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.




Scientific Communication and Diffusion, Periodicals as Topic, Editorial


Celebrate: remember together. It is with great enthusiasm that we celebrate eight years of Reciis, the first scientific journal published exclusively in electronic form by Fiocruz. He came to add to the strong institutional tradition of publishing scientific journals of great quality and social relevance today together in one virtual environment: the Journal Portal. The innovation that brought the magazine, is not limited, however, to form, since its launch and its brief history accompanied the maturation of the area of health information and communication in the universe of scientific thought in our country. The name chosen by the editors and the Institute of Communication and Information Science and Technology (Icict / Fiocruz) sought to bring together the classical agenda of the area the term innovation at a time of intense debate within the national science and technology system on the meaning innovation and science policy guideline.



How to Cite

Lima, N. T. (2015). Eight Years of Reciis. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.29397/reciis.v9i2.984


