15 years

Throughout its 15 years of existence, the Electronic Journal of Communication, Information & Innovation in Health (Reciis) has been guided by the values advocated by the Institute of Communication and Scientific and Technological Information in Health (Icict), the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz): the defense of open access to scientific knowledge, ethics in scientific research, and publication, plurality and diversity of ideas in academic debate. Reciis is dedicated to understanding the dynamics between health information and communication interfaces in contemporary society and their relationships with innovation and public policies. In this sense, Reciis is committed to strengthening mediation between science and citizens and public engagement in the political debate of science and scientific issues.

In its 15-year anniversary, Reciis achieves relevant indicators and evaluations related to the quality of publication of scientific journals. Such achievements are due to the efforts, dedication and trust of our editors, authors, reviewers and several professionals involved in the publication of the journal. In this celebration, we would like to reinforce our gratitude to this network of scientists and other professionals who make the existence and continuity of Reciis possible. 

Selection of typical Reciis identity texts

To celebrate this date, Reciis shares with its readers a special selection of texts published over these fifteen remarkable years; texts that recount the making of its history and build and reinforce the unique dimension of its identity. 

Health arena within the present time dynamics
Carlos Saldanha
Published in v. 1, n. 1 (2007).

The uniqueness of an editorial project in a reality in full transformation
Josué Laguardia, Carlos Saldanha
Published in v. 2, n. 2 (2008).

Youth, violence and health: the construction of information in processes of knowledge mediation and appropriation
Regina Maria Marteleto
Published in v.3, n. 3 (2009).

The logical method for scientific writings
Gilson Luiz Volpato
Published in v.9, n. 1 (2015).

Eight years of Reciis
Nísia Trindade Lima
Published in v.9, n. 2 (2015).

The popular claim and Congress rumors: a recent conjuncture analysis of health in Brazil
Liz Duque Magno, Jairnilson Silva Paim
Published in v.9, n. 4 (2015).

Bibliometric analysis of scientific articles on the Zika virus
Maria de Fátima Moreira Martins
Published in v.10, n. 1 (2016).

Between the physician's office and the “terreiro”: mediations, noises and silences in the therapeutic itineraries of “candomblé” followers
Clarice Moreira Portugal
Published in v.10, n. 1 (2016).

Zika virus disease epidemic: information and knowledge
Débora Diniz, Luciana Brito
Published in v.10, n. 2 (2016).

The solution to SUS is not a Brazilcare
Isabela Soares Santos
Published in v.10, n. 3 (2016).

Health needs and right to communication in times of mediatization
Tatiana Breder Emerich, Aline Guio Cavaca, Victor Gentilli, Adauto Emmerich
Published in v.10, n. 4 (2016).

Risk image: mise-en-scène and the “trocadilo” in Estamira, a documentary
Patrícia Cardoso D'Abreu
Published in v.11, n. 2 (2017).

The biochemical woman: inventions of the feminine from discourses on the contraceptive pill
Tatiane Leal, Bruna Bekker
Published in v.11, n. 3 (2017).

Let’s be open forever!
Josué Laguardia
Published in v.11, n. 4 (2017).

Health in a society of truths
Igor Sacramento
Published in v.12, n. 1 (2018).

What will be of Brazil and SUS?
Arthur Chioro
Published in v.12, n. 2 (2018).

Education and Collective Health in times of intolerance and institutional crisis
Naomar Monteiro de Almeida Filho
Published in v.12, n. 2 (2018).

On behalf of a democratic and citizen science
Kizi Araújo
Published in v.12, n. 4 (2018).

Contributions of discursive psychology to the field of risk communication in health
Mary Jane Paris Spink
Published in v.13, n. 1 (2019).

Euphemism semantics: mining and tragedy in Brumadinho
Valdir de Castro Oliveira, Daniela de Castro Oliveira
Published in v.13, n. 1 (2019).

About (homo)sexuality in the media (1980-2010)
Alexandre Ferrari
Published in v.13, n. 2 (2019).

Subjection and disruption of a body that remains and resists: possibility of a transvestite in the school environment
Luma Andrade
Published in v.13, n. 2 (2019).

Women of the waters: community, gender and race
Evandro Luiz da Conceição
Published in v.13, n. 2 (2019).

The misinformation network and health at risk: an analysis of fake news included in 'The 10 reasons why you shouldn’t vaccinate your child'
Carla Montuori Fernandes, Christina Montuori
Published in v.14, n. 2 (2020).

The teleological arc of disinformation ethics: from the pomadistas of Machado de Assis to the deniers of the pandemic
Arthur Coelho Bezerra, Marco Schneider, Rafael Capurro
Published in v.16, n. 2 (2022).

The debut of the Electronic Journal of Communication, Information & Innovation in Health: diagnosis, challenges and perspectives
Kizi Mendonça de Araújo, Igor Sacramento, Christovam Barcellos
Published in v. 16, n. 4 (2022).