Managerial ideology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) data training platform: working conditions and worker’s health in Brazil
Platform labor, Managerial ideology, Microwork, Artificial Intelligence, Platform economyAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyze working conditions and their impacts on worker’s health in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) data annotation microtask market, especially to highlight their relationship with managerial ideology. The data comes from a netnography carried out between the years 2020 and 2021, from analysis on the platform’s websites, and from interviews with 15 workers. Drawing from the analysis of four different mediation systems (economic, political, ideological, and psychological), we argue that the managerial ideology, overlaid with the Californian ideology, is characterized as a central element in the management of labor, which aims to guarantee the adherence of workers to platforms and hide the labor conflicts, directing them to the individual level and producing a scenario of individualization of suffering.
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