Learning and teaching in a circular and non-totalitarian way: essays in ethnoeducation with quilombolas in the Amazon region
Etnoeducação, Ser coletivo, Quilombo, Aprender e ensinar, Oriximiná – PAAbstract
We intend to discuss the experience in ethnoeducation, which we built with the Nossa Senhora da Aparecida school, located in the quilombola community Boa Vista Cuminã, in the region of Oriximiná (PA). We started from the background of a group of extension, research and intervention in ethnoeducation at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, which, for eight years, developed experiences of collective formation of multiple educators. Ethnoeducation is inspired by ethnography as a methodology for activating community and collective devices for teaching and learning with. In this process, transdisciplinarity breaks hierarchical and disciplinary positions of the spaces for teaching and learning in the “school”, in community life, and boosts the protagonism of the “agencies”, individual and collective, at play in these ethnoeducation actions. We will seek, at the end of this article, to report a collective teaching and learning experience in the quilombola community of Boa Vista Cuminã.
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