Vaccines and disinformation: a content analysis on fake news verified by debunking platforms on social networks


  • Edson Fernando D'Almonte Federal University of Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Communication and Contemporary Culture, Salvador, BA. National Institute of Science and Technology in Disputes and Informational Sovereignties, Niterói, RJ
  • Egberto Lima Siqueira Federal University of Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Communication and Contemporary Culture, Salvador, BA
  • George de Araújo e Silva Federal University of Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Communication and Contemporary Culture, Salvador, BA



Fake news, Vaccine, Social media, Content analysis, Debunking


The impact of fake news reached the health area and distrust in relation to vaccines brought back diseases that had been eradicated. But how are these anti-vaccine discourses constructed in social medias? In this paper, 80 fake news stories focusing on vaccines were collected through Brazilian websites that perform debunking, a strategy for detecting and unmasking misinformation and fake news. From the application of an analytical protocol, the main characteristics present in the elaboration of these publications were mapped. Content analysis revealed that Facebook and WhatsApp are the preferred medias for this type of sharing. About 59% of the contents are totally false and most of the speeches highlight the risks of vaccines as a convincing strategy. The most referenced sources are supposedly doctors and scientists to create reliability. The survey also points out that 60% of publications have grammatical and spelling errors in the preparation of texts.

Author Biographies

Edson Fernando D'Almonte, Federal University of Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Communication and Contemporary Culture, Salvador, BA. National Institute of Science and Technology in Disputes and Informational Sovereignties, Niterói, RJ

Doctoral degree in Communication and Contemporary Culture from the Federal University of Bahia.

Egberto Lima Siqueira, Federal University of Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Communication and Contemporary Culture, Salvador, BA

Specialization in Organizational Communication from the 2 de Julho University.

George de Araújo e Silva, Federal University of Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Communication and Contemporary Culture, Salvador, BA

MBA in Marketing and Branding from Salvador University.


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How to Cite

D’Almonte, E. F., Siqueira, E. L., & Silva, G. de A. e. (2023). Vaccines and disinformation: a content analysis on fake news verified by debunking platforms on social networks. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 17(3).



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