The perception of people with hearing disability about the attention they’re given at the health posts


  • Camila Mugnai Vieira Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. Marília, Brasil.
  • Daniella Gimenez Caniato Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. Marília, Brasil.
  • Bianca Pereira Rodrigues Yonemotu Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília. Marília, Brasil.



health services accessibility, physician-patient relations, communication barriers, persons with hearing impairments.


This study has analyzed the perception of individuals with hearing disability regarding the attention they’re given at the health services. A questionnaire was applied to eighteen people with hearing disability in a community from São Paulo state countryside. The questionnaire had a set of closed questions with multiple answers and the application process counted with the presence of an interpreter. The difficulties of communication between patients and health professionals were stressed during the process, which led to difficulties in their access to the service and generated doubts in the patients. The absence of interpreters in the health service was emphasized. The presence of a companion was frequently reported and it was discussed its implications to the doctor-patient bond and to the deaf person’s privacy and autonomy. The participants showed their dissatisfaction regarding their medical care. This study stresses the need of investment in health professionals training on the use of the Brazilian Sign Language (Lingua Brasileira de Sinais – Libras) in order to amplify the social inclusion as provided for by the Law.



How to Cite

Vieira, C. M., Caniato, D. G., & Yonemotu, B. P. R. (2017). The perception of people with hearing disability about the attention they’re given at the health posts. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 11(2).



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