Use of the Information and Communication Technology YouTube for production and diffusion of content about a medical course: students’ experiences




Multimedia, Higher education, Medical education, Information technology, Medicine.


This article aimed at describing the experience and evaluation of use of digital technologies by medical students as a dissemination strategy of a course created by “More Doctors” Program. This is an experience report on the development of a YouTube channel to publicize the medical degree at the Federal University of Jataí. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of channel indicators was carried out. From September 2017, the team was organized into five working groups: timetable, writing, updating, recording and editing. The main results were 17 videos, 603 subscribers and 34,757 views. We noticed users’ engagement and direct demand for information, a continuous increase in the number of accesses, and peaks in vestibular opening periods, in addition to comments. The experiences contributed to improvement of students’ extracurricular skills. The channel was able to assist interested people in Higher Education in decision making and motivation for choosing the course.

Author Biographies

Marcela Costa de Almeida Silva, Universidade Federal de Jataí, Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências da Saúde, Curso de Medicina. Jataí, GO

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Federal de Jataí.

Paulo Ricardo dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Jataí, Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências da Saúde, Curso de Medicina. Jataí, GO

Graduando em Medicina pela Universidade Federal de Jataí.

Letícia Cristina Oliveira Dias, Universidade Federal de Jataí, Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências da Saúde, Curso de Medicina. Jataí, GO

Graduação em Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade de Brasília.

Johnatan Reis da Silva, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Faculdade de Medicina. Uberlândia, MG

Graduação em Jornalismo pela Universidade de Brasília.

Aridiane Alves Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Jataí, Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências da Saúde, Curso de Medicina. Jataí, GO

Doutorado em Enfermagem pela Universidade de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Silva, M. C. de A., Santos, P. R. dos, Dias, L. C. O., da Silva, J. R., & Ribeiro, A. A. (2021). Use of the Information and Communication Technology YouTube for production and diffusion of content about a medical course: students’ experiences. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 15(2).