Platformisation of the work of courier services in the context of the covid-19 pandemic clashes with the principles of decent work according to ILO
Fairwork project, Platformisation of the work, Courier services, Decent work, Covid-19 pandemicAbstract
The objective of this article is to contextualise and discuss aspects of the work of delivery mediated by platform companies, revealed by the results of the empirical research of the Fairwork Brazil Project, carried out during the covid-19 pandemic. Fairwork is coordinated by the University of Oxford and has partnerships with researchers in various countries around the world. The methodological course of the project consists in action research, using in-depth interviews with randomly chosen workers, data collection about platform companies, and structured meetings with representatives of these organizations. The data analysis is guided by the five principles of decent work which determine the evaluation of companies: fair remuneration, working conditions, contract, management and representation. In this article, we discuss the narratives of workers interviewed by the Brazilian team during the covid-19 pandemic. These narratives are contrasted with information on the policies and actions of the digital platforms disseminated in the country. The results of this investigation show that the principles of decent work are not respected with regard to the work of the workers who make courier services in the country.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudia Nociolini Rebechi, Roseli Figaro, Julice Salvagni, Ana Flávia Marques da Silva
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